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Officially a wifey

Lama tinggal blog....
Habis bersawang...
Segala majlis telah pun selesai dengan jayanya!
Macam tak percaya, im a wifey now!
Wifey to one I love...
Really don't know where to start the story again...
too much to story...
I still on leave till 30 June 2013... 
Husband already back to KL and working last saturday, me at KB waiting for dad operation this 19 June...
I hope everything okay because dad seem healtier than before and the operation cancelled so I can back to KL earlier.
Heaven to get leave for a long term, but I learn much to be a good wifey.
Washing the cloth, cooking, tidy the house, take care of flowers, here there, that, this...
Auch! housewife is buzy too...
Well, a month at home, its time for me to practise.

Really miss time to blog everyday. My hubs understand me like to write, he ask me to update since last week but we came to cc for few minutes only to updating e-mail, and few things that contact thru online. 
Time like chasing us last week.

Wedding picture?
No picture for a while, insya-Allah soon...
Sorry, no cable to connect the phone and camera to computer for a while...
My mistake...

That all for now...
Will update soon...


  1. semoga semua selamat untuk operation you dad..

  2. semoga dpermudahkan segala urusan dear~

  3. hehehe comeL bc biLe kamu write in English. pasni full english-written blog, maybe???

    tahniah nye da kawen.. Sya still struggle ngn wed preps. hhu

    nnt share-la picture taw.. =)

  4. hopefully the operation went well dear :)

  5. @cik hani - terima kasih atas doa.

    @cik tie - tQ atas doa dan HB itu sangat cantek. t kite review.

    @SYA - hehehe...comel eh writing in English? Will practise soon.

    @SFaezah - tQ a lot.


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